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Wellington Primary School & Nursery



The intent of our geography curriculum is:

  • To stimulate children’s interest in their own surroundings through learning about their own locality, and the interaction between people and environment.
  • To extend children’s interest, knowledge and understanding of contrasting localities in Britain, Europe and the rest of the world.

All of our pupils will:

  • Develop an understanding of human and physical geography which shapes the world.
  • Be able to identify and understand similarities and differences in the world around them and to respect other people’s cultures.
  • Gain geographical skills and vocabulary which are necessary to carry out effective geographical enquiry and are transferable across their academic studies.
  • Recognise, understand and reflect on current issues in society and the environment, such as globalisation and climate change.
  • Understand and appreciate similarities and differences in the world and respect other people’s beliefs, attitudes and values.
  • Develop an interest and enjoyment of geography by developing skills and knowledge in the classroom and through the use of fieldwork and educational visits.






The geography curriculum will be implemented by:

  • Following the curriculum framework of CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership). This is an ambitious curriculum that sets high expectations for learning. This framework is underpinned by the best available evidence and pedagogy and incorporates the following to support children’s memory and recall of geographical knowledge and facts:
  • Knowledge Organisers
  • Knowledge Notes
  • Precise teaching of tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary
  • Teaching of substantive and disciplinary knowledge
  • No-stakes quizzes
  • Plentiful opportunities to rehearse and recall previously taught content
  • Ensuring our geography curriculum is taught frequently and consistently across of all our schools (geography is taught on a fortnightly basis).
  • Enabling all children to gain ‘real life’ experiences, which will include educational visits to places of geographical value.
  • Ensuring all lessons are planned to show progression, building on prior knowledge across each Key Stage.
  • Offering the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as maps, statistics, graphs, photographs and ICT in geography lessons where this serves to enhance learning.





The impact our geography curriculum will be:

  • To provide children with a range of geographical skills and knowledge to encourage enquiry, formulate appropriate questions, develop research skills and evaluate material to inform opinions.
  • To fully prepare children so that they are ready for the curriculum in KS3 and for life as an adult in the wider world.
  • To give them an appreciation of what Global Citizenship means and the understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural country.


   Geography4 Geography5








Geography - Knowledge and Skills Progression